CoreStones: Advanced Full Body & Cold Stone Migraine Care
Day One
CoreStones are the newest tool to become available to bodyworkers that will have you throwing away your traditional hot stones! CoreStones bring together the long-lasting heat therapy (and cold) with the tools that melt through fascial adhesions with an ergonomic method to save on your hands and wrists! You will not want to miss this opportunity to bring a new and exciting new option to work on Monday for YOU and your clients!
This course will provide you with 8 hours of CEU / Class: 22-1010 & 22-1015
Day 2
Gain a better understanding of the cause and effects of migraine headaches and how to directly treat them using various holds and releases.
Examine the structure of the head and neck.
Use various treatment techniques, including cold stones, essential oils, and pressure points.
This course will provide you with 7 hours of CEU / Class # 22-1009 & 22-1024
Both days taught by Shelle Hagen, LMT who was trained by Dale Grust, LMT CoreStones Founder and Creator